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CD 26–more snake oil, please!

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Well, since my self-imposed Operation Force Myself to Ovulate soy cycle, I’ve been monitoring my progress (somewhat lazily. I’ll temp every once in a while, but not diligently). I’m on CD 26 right now. If I were a normal functioning woman, my period would be coming in a few days…but no such luck, I’m afraid. I believe my ovaries will get an “N” for Needs Improvement this month. I got an “N” once in “Listens to and follows directions” from my bitchy 2nd grade teacher who hated me from day one. Dear Mrs. Douglas, I found out later on in life that you were going through a terrible divorce during that year I had you…and I still think you’re a rotten bitch for taking out your shitty relationship issues on seven year olds.


Back to the whole ovulation thing. I temped this morning and I’m at 97.3…meaning that I haven’t ovulated yet, and most likely won’t. Any time after I ovulate, my temp usually hovers around 98.7-99.1. The soy clearly did nothing for me. I suppose that in about a week, I will try the soy again, this time ramping it up a notch and seeing if it makes a difference.

In the 1800s, there were salesman that traveled from town to town selling “magical elixirs” that would cure all ailments. Some touted that they contained real “snake oil”. Of course, these magical treatments were nothing more than flavored water. Placebos. A hoax.

I know that so many people swear that they see positive benefits from natural medicine, and I don’t want to discount it…but there are times when I am popping my soy pills, or taking clay baths, or doing acupuncture… and I just feel like I’m being conned by a snake oil salesman. These thoughts are coming from a place of frustration right now. I know in my heart that some of these natural homeopathic methods have real benefits…I just haven’t seen any of them yet.  I know so many women who swear by soy, and gush about their “soy babies”. I guess everyone’s body is different…it just makes me wonder if they would have ovulated on their own anyway, without the soy.

Soy vey.

Today, I made a Green Monster for breakfast. It was a recipe passed down from The Cornfed Feminist through a recipe blog she reads, and now I will share it with you. It truly is hard to believe that this drink has about 4 CUPS of spinach in it. It tastes delicious!


About Sunny

I'm a happily married, 31 year old gal who is just starting her journey to conceive. I also have ovaries that may need a jump start. This blog is an attempt to channel my obsessive research on my Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome into something a pregnancy test. That would be awesome. I also hope that other women with this condition will find support in this blog. There are a lot of us out here! Happy reading, whatever your journey may be.

7 responses »

  1. I am totally trying that smoothie. I hear ya about natural remedies. I go back and forth between wondering if there is a magic natural cure for me, and then back to thinking it is all BS. Damn PCOS!

    BTW – I wouldn’t take more soy. I think it only works early in your cycle, like Clomid, if it is going to work at all. Sorry 😦

    • Yeah, I’m totally with you on he remedies. I am spacing my soy out so I only take it 5 days out of my “cycle”–like Clomid. It’s been about 3 weeks since I last took it, so I thought I would wait another week and if I still haven’t gotten my period, try again as if I were starting my “cycle” over from scratch. I’m pretty much at my wits end since I don’t even get a period with Provera…no idea what to do.

  2. I’m with you on the natural stuff. I feel similarly. It’s a tough sell, but worth a shot.

  3. Good on you for going with the smoothie. I’ve got some more recipes on my site for the green stuff, including a vid for now to make one with 3 ingredients that is awesome

    Your temp is generally higher than mine. I’ve been reading about raising basal temperature though 180DegreesHealth – that it could help with fertility. Every heard of that? It’s blooming freezing here in Italy at the moment, so I’m colder than ever!

    • Thanks Alison! I’ll check out your recipe 🙂 I have heard that a low basal body temp is linked to an underactive thyroid. My BBT never really rises above 97.4 or 97.5 unless I’ve ovulated. I think that’s kind of low? A few times last week I had a BBT of 96.6. I know that Vitex raised my BBT significantly…I was consistently around 97.9-98.2 on 1200mg Vitex. I wonder if I should have stuck with it… I’m getting my thyroid levels checked so we will see if that is the culprit. I’d be very interested in seeing how to raise my BBT since I am always cold.

  4. I hate how skeptical I am of the natural remedies, but alas, I can’t help feeling like it’s all a little too good to be true. I haven’t tried it all, but what I have tried hasn’t worked yet, so I’m a little put off by the natural stuff.

    A tip on the smoothie: It is essential to use a frozen banana. It’s a little lukewarm otherwise and not nearly as tasty.


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